Wednesday, March 26, 2014

And this, blog, blog...

Aloha all -

This week, I reviewed blogs of my classmates.  Because we were able to create our blogs on our preferred site, we were able to choose from a plethora of designs and formats.  What a great variety!  I especially liked the format of Ashley's tumblr blog.  It's organized and easy to follow.  The layout of the design allows readers to easily access the posts.  It's something different from the formats I have used in the past on Wordpress and blogger. 

I enjoyed reading the posts about common topics coming from different perspectives. It was also interesting to me how although we are given the same topic, we all tend to explore and expound on what speaks to us within that area.  I especially like when the author applies the topic to their own locus of control and gives examples from their daily lives. It somehow personalizes the posts and lends to more interesting reading.  One blog I enjoyed was Vera's. I like her casual humorous style of writing, incorporating personal experiences into the content -  it's engaging, easy to read as well as being informative.  

I am also able to see how I may apply the learning to my world and also see other's point of view.  Some of our classmates are teachers in the DOE system and I appreciated their insight into the challenges and success of teaching our keiki.

I also love how pictures, links and other resources are shared, expanding my own knowledge base and increasing my learning.  I love the catchy titles and puns some have used for their postings as well. One example was Kainoa's blog with fun titles such as "a Mook-tacular experience and "an unnecessary dread." It helps to gain attention and interest and encourages one to read the blog.  Reviewing the many blogs also gave me insight to how I may be able to improve my own in future postings. 

Great reading this week…Mahalo for sharing fellow ETEC 647e'rs! 

A hui hou,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Terri,
    Thanks for the shout out about the titles of my blog posts. Itʻs funny, because I chose to review your blog for the very same reason, I really like the way you use the "And this week, i..." in all of your blog titles.
