Saturday, March 1, 2014

And this week, I flipped out...

Upside Down Roller Coaster / CC BY 2.0

Aloha all - 

According to EDUCAUSE, " The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed."  Sounds pretty simple, right?  Well, not exactly.  Upon further reading about the flipped classroom concept, it becomes clear that it involves extensive preparation and planning by the instructor to do it well. 
Although you would expect that flipping a classroom would be easier on the teacher, that is not often the case. Instructors must set aside ample time to record or find video lectures that contain quality content. An instructor must also preview all content being assigned to be sure it is timely, relevant and engaging.  The lesson plans should be well-structured with applicable activities to complete during class time.  Teachers now play the role of facilitator or mentor as they assist students in applying their learning to class activities or exercises.

Students should be given clear expectations and instructions so they know exactly what they should be doing to prepare for class.  They will need to take responsibility to become independent learners and be self-motivated to complete their "homework"  to ensure that class time is productive.

I have talked to some of my students who have had some experience with this format and they seem to enjoy it.  One example was a math class that required them to watch selected videos for homework.  In class, they would do complete problems and exercises relating to the concept.   The student expressed a preference for this style as he was able to receive help immediately when doing the problems instead of struggling on his own at home with the regular lecture format. 

It remains to be seen on if this pedagogy results in gains in student learning outcomes and student satisfaction, but it seems to be a creative approach to teaching. 

What do you think?

A hui hou,

EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. (2012, February 7). 7 Things you should know about ... flipped classrooms. Retrieved from

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