Wednesday, March 26, 2014

And this, blog, blog...

Aloha all -

This week, I reviewed blogs of my classmates.  Because we were able to create our blogs on our preferred site, we were able to choose from a plethora of designs and formats.  What a great variety!  I especially liked the format of Ashley's tumblr blog.  It's organized and easy to follow.  The layout of the design allows readers to easily access the posts.  It's something different from the formats I have used in the past on Wordpress and blogger. 

I enjoyed reading the posts about common topics coming from different perspectives. It was also interesting to me how although we are given the same topic, we all tend to explore and expound on what speaks to us within that area.  I especially like when the author applies the topic to their own locus of control and gives examples from their daily lives. It somehow personalizes the posts and lends to more interesting reading.  One blog I enjoyed was Vera's. I like her casual humorous style of writing, incorporating personal experiences into the content -  it's engaging, easy to read as well as being informative.  

I am also able to see how I may apply the learning to my world and also see other's point of view.  Some of our classmates are teachers in the DOE system and I appreciated their insight into the challenges and success of teaching our keiki.

I also love how pictures, links and other resources are shared, expanding my own knowledge base and increasing my learning.  I love the catchy titles and puns some have used for their postings as well. One example was Kainoa's blog with fun titles such as "a Mook-tacular experience and "an unnecessary dread." It helps to gain attention and interest and encourages one to read the blog.  Reviewing the many blogs also gave me insight to how I may be able to improve my own in future postings. 

Great reading this week…Mahalo for sharing fellow ETEC 647e'rs! 

A hui hou,

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

And this week, I explored BIG DATA...

Cartoon: Big Data / CC BY 2.0

Aloha all -

This week, we explored the concept of Big Data and Learning Analytics.  I must say I had heard about the concept but hadn't delved into it much.  After reading more about it, I now have a better idea why I get certain coupons or emails with suggested items for me to purchase. With the use of web-tracking tools, company seek to identify trends and behaviors that will help to insert their products or stores into our shopping habits to increase sales.   I'm not sure I'm all that comfortable with it but I was able to gain a broad understanding on how many companies collect these massive amounts of data to individualize the customer experience as they compete for the almighty consumer dollar.  When I read the article on how Target has used Big Data extensively to target pregnant women to increase purchases at their location, it was interesting to see how it played out.  Ultimately, by interspersing the baby ad items amongst other random items such as lawnmowers and wine, they were able to market individually in a subtle way that resulted in a positive outcome (more sales).  I also found the background on habit forming with cue, routine and reward interesting and see how sometimes piggybacking onto already formed habits can induce more customer sales as well. 

Learning analytics describes applying the use of Big Data in the educational realm.  In the 2014 Horizon Report, it was identified as having a time to adoption horizon of one year or less. Using the business model of using large amounts of data collected to analyze, predict and identify consumer behavior, educators are now looking into applying the same process to personalize the experience for learners and increase student engagement.  One of the examples presented was how some colleges are using Big Data collected to potentially predict student challenges and provide an opportunity for the schools to offer academic support resources and the like to help students transition to college successfully.  These analytics help colleges to identify ways to use resources in a way to reap the greatest benefits and contribute to student success.  As budgets constraints increase, institutions are able to focus limited resources in areas that align with student needs.  Although benefits can be gained, there are also the considerations in the areas of ethics, legality and student privacy.  Organizations must be cautious on interpretation of Big Data as analytics can show correlations, but doesn't necessarily provide causal information and even the best systems can lead to misclassification or profiling.   And, of course, there is the challenge of figuring out which interventions can be most effective to help the students.   I think that the mining of Big Data can be effectively applied to education, but a lot will depend on how this empirical evidence is interpreted and applied. It will be interesting how it plays out in the near future as Big Data analysis leads to implementation of targeted strategies to benefit learners. 

A hui hou,

Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., Freeman, A. (2014). NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. pp. 38-39. Retrieved from

Duhigg, C. (2012, February 18). How Companies Learn Your Secrets. The New York Times. Retrieved from

EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. (2010). 7 Things you should know about analytics. Retrieved from

Thursday, March 6, 2014

And this week, I went mobile...

Aloha All - 
This week, we were tasked with the exploration of mobile learning and how we personally use mobile technologies. Identified in the 2012 Horizon Report with a near-term horizon of one year or less, mobile apps and their use have become pervasive and almost commonplace in society.   Most of my family and friends use their devices for communication - phone, text, email and to access social media - Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.  In my own personal experience, I have used my own mobile devices (iPhone and iPad) as an alternate way of collaborating with team members through the use of various apps including Google Hangouts, Skype and Collaborate.  In fact, just last week, I was returning from Oahu to the Big Island and landed just as class was starting.  I logged into Collaborate as I exited the plane and was able to attend class, meet with my group members, while viewing our shared Google Doc on Google Drive all while walking to the curb while waiting for my ride.  That alone showcases the advances in technology and mobile learning that have occurred within the last decade. 

Mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets enable mobility and allow teaching and learning to extend beyond traditional classroom walls. It helps to provide anywhere, anytime learning, allowing accessibility of resources at a student's convenience.  No longer are students tethered to a desktop and a landline as the use of mobile technologies allow increased flexibility, the lessening of geographic limitations and the facilitation of collaboration among students in various locations. 

Although, I think the potential of mobile learning is great, I also feel that currently, most people use their devices as an anytime, anywhere means of communication rather than a true tool to enhance learning.  I do feel, however, that we are moving towards truly incorporating mobile devices and apps as significant factors in enhancing learning whether through the use of apps that help you to network and collaborate with others in your field and share information or apps that help students with content creation or curation.  

I think the example using mobile inquiry-based learning that we read about in the SMILE project is a good one of how mobile technology can be integrated into learning.  Having students create and share questions amongst their peers helps them to contribute to knowledge creation, stimulate their own recall and understanding of the particular topics.  This can serve as a mobile means of assessment as well, with teachers having the ability to add to the question back as well as monitor progress and success of students.  As we move toward more effective integration into education, mobile devices has the potential to become true tools of connected learning.

As far as my three favorite apps, I have to say that it would have to be the following:

Pinterest: A social media content curation site that allows users to organize and share images and information to different boards.  I love curating various information and resources whether it be recipes, quotes, ed tech tools or bucket list vacations.  My problem is that sometimes, I spend way too long on the site.

Find My Friends:  Allows you to easily locate friends and family using your iPhone.  Okay, I admit, I do call it the stalker app, but it's an agreed stalking, right? It saves time as we can use it to see if someone is on their way home or how long it will be till someone will be there to pick you up.  It gives me some piece of mind as a parent, but I try to use it only as needed, not to be the stalker Mom. 

Pandora:  Listen to free internet radio based on your preferences.  I use this app when I want to listen to music on the go.  I'd rather listen this way because I get to hear a wide variety of music rather than the same ones in my music library.  Good to use at the beach, while exercising or on the go.  

What's your favorite apps?

A hui hou, 

Buckner, E. & Kim, P. (2012, February) A Pedagogical Paradigm Shift:
The Stanford Mobile Inquiry-based Learning Environment Project (SMILE). Retrieved from

Johnson, L., Adams, S., and Cummins, M. (2012). The NMC Horizon Report: 2012 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. pp. 10-13. Retrieved from


Saturday, March 1, 2014

And this week, I BitStripped!!

Aloha All - 

As part of Team Maile, we explored the pros and cons of the ubiquitous trend of Social Media.  Here is a compilation of our BitStrips.  Enjoy!

A hui hou,